Unleashing the Truth: Why Tennis Balls Aren’t Your Dog’s Best Friend


Tennis balls have long been a favourite plaything for our canine companions, thanks to their rubbery texture that dogs find irresistibly chew-worthy. But are they a healthy option for our furry friends? In this blog, we’ll delve into the potential drawbacks of using tennis balls as chew toys and explore safer alternatives that can keep your dog entertained and healthy.

Enamel Abrasion:

It may surprise you, but that neon yellow fuzz on tennis balls can act as subtle sandpaper on your dog’s enamel, posing a significant risk to their dental health. Over time, this abrasiveness can lead to tooth enamel erosion, affecting your dog’s oral well-being, especially if they habitually gnaw on them.

Choking Risk:

The astonishing power of your dog’s jaws can turn tennis balls into choking hazards. The compression force applied by your dog’s bite can cause tennis balls to fragment, potentially obstructing their airway. This hazardous scenario could result in fatal consequences. Additionally, there’s a real possibility that your dog might ingest parts of the tennis ball as it breaks apart during play, leading to digestive issues or even surgery for intestinal obstructions.

Unknown Materials:

Tennis balls are mass-produced across various factories worldwide without adherence to food-grade standards. These balls are designed for tennis, not your dog’s safety. The rubber core, the neon fuzz covering it, and the adhesive that holds it all together might contain chemicals and toxins that can harm your dog’s health. When your dog contentedly chews on a tennis ball, it’s impossible to know what toxins they might be exposed to.

Safer Alternatives:

Given the risks associated with tennis balls, it’s crucial to explore safer alternatives for your dog’s playtime enjoyment. Playing with our dogs is a great interactive game and helps build a stronger bond.

Consider these options:

Rover has curated a list of their favourite dog fetch toys suitable for active, puppy, and senior dogs. You can find the details here: https://www.rover.com/blog/the-best-dog-fetch-toys.

Please note that I am not affiliated with Rover or any of the products listed.


While tennis balls may seem like a tempting and budget-friendly option for your dog’s playtime, the potential risks to their dental health, choking hazards, and exposure to unknown toxins should make you reconsider their use. By exploring safer alternatives, you can ensure your furry friend’s well-being while providing engaging and enjoyable play sessions.

Remember to:

  • NEVER leave your dog's toys unattended.

  • Always opt for toys that are too large for your dog to swallow or choke on.

  • Consistently switch up your dog's toys to keep them entertained during playtime.

  • Maintain good hygiene by regularly cleaning your dog's toys.

Yours warmly, Zita x

Zita Wells
Pet Patrol 365

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